Island Updates |
9/30/2024 Updated the Sharing Sugar page to be spiffy, fresh, and midly informative! My huz and I plan on releasing a demo VERY SOOOOOON on!
8/27/2024 Added Crochet page to the Art Shack! I hope you enjoy my makes! I'd love to make crochet friends!! HMU in my guestbook under the links section! Let's get hookin'!
8/26/2024 Updated KairoLand with screenshots from Dream Town Island and Heian City Story!
7/30/2024 Updated the art shack with some new pixel art doodles. Kairosoft's Heian City Story came out recently, I plan to add a section about it to the Kairoland page! I've been playing Kingdom of Loathing a lot recently. Say wassap to me while I do my first hardcore asscension! My username is dildew!! Lastly, my husband and I are still working dilligently on Sharing Sugar. It's been one of those years where real life just takes priority, ya know?!
6/14/2024 Updated the arcade to have links to all the games my husband and I have made! Updated the art shack with some webmaterials, and slightly better organization.
6/11/2024 I added more artwork to my sketches recently. I'm popping in and out working on the unexplored parts of the island! I've been working on assets here and there for the island. For example, the buttons!
6/5/2024 Long time, no update! Here's what I've been up to -> just workin' on our main game, Sharing Sugar. We also participated in Pixel game jam 2024 and here is our entry, Deep Dive Down! Anyways, still working on pixel art and crochet here and there. Peaceful travels to anyone who reads this! -D
9/28/2023 Added some sketches to the sketches. Thats about it for now! Busy busy busy working on *Sharing Sugar*. Can't even work on this site! I like the bones I've articulated for now.
8/28/2023 My husband and I finished our first game jam! ^o^ We are so happy! Evil Cat Atk!
7/26/2023 Added screenshots and quick review of The Pyra-Plex! Check it out on the Kairosoft page!
7/25/2023 Added more artwork to the Artwork page! Planning on update the Kairosoft page soon, as well as upload my sketches. Another page that is coming soon is a log of a game my husband and I are making, Sharing Sugar!
7/20/2023 BIRTH OF SITE Added some good stuff to the Kairosoft and Artwork page! |