I don't have much to write about, but I wanted to post this picture of the most beautiful leaf in the world.
Spring is here, and my plants can thrive again. I hella hate the cold months and having to bring my potted beauties into the house.
I ate 3 gnat flies on accident this winter. They just kind of fly into your mouth, it's so disgusting, but I will eat one thousand more gnat flies before I get rid of my potted
beauties. So it is what it is. I'm not vegetarian anymore - I eat flies (on accident).
Hilo Beauty
Look at this frond, yall. Absolutely exquisite. Let's enjoy life as best as we can.
(Extra note - I was thinking about icky gross girls and hairy girls and feral women and these thoughts bring so much comfort to me, idk why)
Hello! Welcome to 2025 dear reader.
I want to start this entry with a few of my goals for 2025. Warning - all my goals are hella normie, basic, uninteresting.
1. Crochet myself a nice top.
I've been blessed by friends and relatives who have given me their thrift store donations to look through and donate what I don't keep.
Through this clothing acquisition system I've managed to avoid buying new clothes for 4ish years. That being said, I'm feeling my 30s and would like a nice top.
Because I'm a stoopid spoiled dog, this 'nice top' of my dreams must be made by me. That's my boundary and I'm sticking to it.
2. Excersize.
Sure, I can do ten pushups. But can I do a headstand? No! I fucking can't. I also can't run .5 miles without passing out. My cardio is AWFUL and I'd like to be able to hike an incline without dying.
My husband and I have done some nice hikes, but even the slightest increase in elevation kills me! Must build cardio endurance this year. Atleast see improvement.
3. Creative Endevours.
In 2024 I built a nice routine of having the evenings be strict creative time for me. I've been a very active artist and that pleases me. There's been many times in my life I've almost lost my passion for it, but I've found a place in my heart where I can be content and entertained by creating. I make art for me. Sounds like a simple concept, no? It's hard to leave behind your inner critic.
3 1/2. Sharing Sugar
Sharing Sugar, me and my husband's lil' game, has been on hiatus for a few months while we deal with real life things like "where does money come from?" and "where will i sleep tonight?".
Once those questions are answered, I hope to finish the demo this year.
4. Gardening
I won't even break this one down. All I can say is I want to go balls to the wall with an edible garden this year. I got plans, I got supplies. I have nothing but fails to my name. This is my year. I WILL grow something I can eat from seed.
I hope everyone has a great year!
Nice big orchid cactus leaf. His name is Finn Sword.
Radish sprouts that never took off.
Next entry (POSSIBLY) will be all about my Sharing Sugar combat UI/UX design. I'm looking forward to explain my design!
Christmas was very nice. My hand cramps from crocheting all the christmas gifts have gone.
That means it is time to crochet again.
I took a break from working on Sharing Sugar and my heart strings are really getting tugged back into the fold.
Today, I'm booting up aseprite to poke around and get myself situated back in the flow with some low-priority projects.
Before the holidays, I was working on a unique interface for the combat portion of Sharing Sugar.
Here's the combat sprite (so tiny!)
And here's the WIP user interface (with random elements floating around )
I'll explain more about my design later!
First entry to get my code together!
I'm getting ready for the holidays and I've been crocheting alot and feeling creative. Also, very anxious. I have GAD like BAD!
My cat knocked over my aloe vera and while it suuuucks its also a *good* thing. Here's why:
It was growing very f'ed up with the mother plant and its siblings. It was in an ugly pot and I recently nabbed some attractive pots.
I have other aloe pups that I can fill a continer with. Will, like, be so fun!
We got the tree up! It took 3 tries to get the lights strung correctly. Our tree theme is "plastic ornaments my goofy cats can't break."
Hidden in the plastic branches is TWO ceramic ornaments. The best of luck to these. I do hope they survive our cats. It's a proving ground!